Hearing Loss Is WAY More Common Than You Think

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We know that loud noise and music can cause hearing damage, but just how common is it?

Why Does Loud Music Cause Hearing Loss?: http://dne.ws/1AqdwvF

Read More:
Tinnitus Talk

A billion at risk for hearing loss from exposure to loud music
“More than one billion teens and young adults are at risk of losing their hearing, according to WHO (that’s the World Health Organization, not the rock band).”

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Rikard Holmqvist says:

Why is there a whispering voice in the new intro?? annoying…

Paradox Productions says:

Eugghhh. New set is just tacky and horrible.

Obviously Lewis says:

I’m 14 and I’ve got tinnitus, I genuinely wish I’d respected my hearing
more. DNews, you guys should talk about acoustic cr neuromodulation!

DNews says:


adamlax27 says:

But.. But what was wrong with the old set? Why do people change things when
there’s no need to. Maybe you should do a video on that

Silver Icetail says:

When I was younger, I had a huge problem sleeping from the sound of my own
heartbeat. I started listening to music during the night to help this, and
instead of calming things it made me get tinitus. The good part is, the
tinitus is constant and monotone, while the heartbeat kept thudding.
Mechanical clocks had the same effect on me and still have. ANything with a
steady rythm kept me from sleeping, and now I can’t hear those things
anymore! But the whining in my ears are getting a little annoying instead.

jacobjericho1 says:

i have tinnitus , it comes and goes for me , my grandad has it quite bad ,
now he can never hear crickets ..haha , but i think i got mine from when i
was 4 .. lets just say i managed to do something stupid and was in a coma
for a while .. woke up not being able to walk talk or even feed myself .mum
said i was like a new born all over again but i managed to finally speak
again and walk at 6 .. also had severe hearing loss and was 80% def but by
the time i was 12 i was up to speed with a normal 12 year old and even
became best in class for many years , however because of what happened i
didn’t learn to communicate with others well from a young age and i was
incredibly shy for a long time , heck even my grandma didn’t hear me speak
again till i was 10 .. these days im perfectly fine , just abit of ringing
in my ear from time to time 

Johnson Saxogn says:

I sometimes hear my enemies drowning in their own blood as i repeatedly
stab them in the chest. Does tinnitus cause this as well? 

LynneSkysong says:

I don’t know what the sound of silence it. Both of my ears have always
rang. Well, not exactly true… when I six and younger everything sound
like I was underwater due to fluid buildup in my ears. I’ve testing my
hearing and even at 28, I have the hearing of a teenager. I wouldn’t mind
NOT being about to hear all those high frequency sounds.

seal3081 says:

I sleep with my headphones on. Music keeps going all night, is this bad for
my ears?

Grant Middleton says:

I’ve been to lots of doctors and i still don’t know why, but in silence if
i crinkle a bag or shake some pills my right ear muscle inside my ear
twitches and makes a fast drumb noise. .
It drives me crazy in the morning lol
Any ideas?

Gamer Power says:

I’ve been having ringing in my ear since 4 years old,I ever heard silence
so I cant imagine how it would be like.

Jonnie Rogers says:

I’ve had hearing loss from birth. Runs in family.

msul78 says:


Scott Velez says:

I can’t help NOT listening to loud music… SLAYER MUST ALWAYS BE LOUD.

Jason [Professor Fennec] says:

“Listen” to your ears when they tell you the sounds you hear are painful,
and try to keep the volume of your audio devices at or below 65%. 

rimlanin says:

I’ve got tinnitus without hearing loss ever since I went a bit overkill
with some guns I purchased. Apparently, I’m lucky, as I’m within the 10% of
tinnitus sufferers that didn’t also get hearing loss. Few weeks down the
line you kind of forget about it. If you got it recently – go to a doctor.
There are treatments if the tinnitus has started less than 3 months ago.
Mine was reduced by about half and I started treatment about 3 weeks into
the tinnitus. 

Jalbesbe says:

See I have stronger hearing then most, and I can hear ringing and its white
noise from electricity I was tested for this it was proven true

iphone4 is evil says:

Not watching the show anymore because of the new set… It sucks

dewie says:

sure hope they make a pill for this in the future
I really value my hearing ability, but I’m afraid I might have fucked it up
a bit already

Miakoda Combies says:

Severe tinnitus is a nightmare. I’d rather be deaf than listen to this 24/7

Meek Peace says:
Ninjawa says:

Damn, this new set is ugly!

douwe van randwijck says:

Did you know that the smallest muscle is in your ear? And it is not working
in my ears, so i always hear a high peep and i hear every thing louder…
It really sucks :(

coisasnatv says:

What causes hearing loss??
Distorted audio like on this video, the audio level is good but the capture

Taco1011 says:

And weirdly the only time I get that ringing in my ears is whenever I have
my headphones on, and as soon as I take those headphones off, the ringing

Spongeface Trollpants says:

Tinnitus (TIN IT US) not (TIN I TUS)

Aiden Cloutier says:

Is it possible for the brain to repair itself though because I font hearing
constant ringing anymore

Makinah Starkey says:

It’s really weird for me. I have constant ringing in my ears but my hearing
is very good. I’ve gotten them checked a few times before and every time
I’m told my hearing is fine. This constant ringing is very annoying,

Kamal Gill says:

17 years old and have been Woking on cars since I was 8, have tinnitus in
both ears, doctor said I need to use hearing protection or it will get
progressively worse

Susannah Jackson says:

Thing is I really never play my music that loud, not much over half way of
the capacity yet I get ringing quite bad. However I do wear earbuds a lot,
can constant sound do damage too? Not just short loud bursts?

Littlepip91 says:

I guess I gotta turn down my dub step then. I always have my headphones
blasted :/

nekov4ego says:

I’ve had this since I was very small (due to severe ear infection and
eardrum perforation) and it’s always been natural to me because I’ve
virtually had it for my entire life. It’s not a bother at all and I don’t
know how much hearing loss I must have, but I can detect the most quiet
sounds around without a problem.

Harmsy says:

I avoid loud noise like the Plague becuase it’s physically painful, but I
still managed to get tinnitus in my right ear.

Kausoon Kau says:

Never knew that I had it too lel …

Raikage sama says:

shit i thought i was the only one with bad hearing. These days I’ve always
gotta ask someone to repeat what they say

Hussein Muksed says:

Music is annoying in genral. I dont know why people listen music. Make a
video about that.

Ivan Gezovic says:

Did she say subscraube ?? 

coastersam20 says:

I have a constant low hiss to deal with. It’s not very loud, so it doesn’t
bug me, unless it’s silent around me. 

Siege Perilous says:

One time I saw The Sword play in a small venue and my ears rang for three

Jarred De Moel says:

So that’s what the voice in my ear, telling me to kill everyone is :p

Isui Gtz says:

Please, someone get rid of this doubt for me:

If “noisy” stands for “high decibel levels”, then, what if I always use my
EARphones to the maximum level, which is below 80 db, compared to… use
some HEADphones that probably are way more loud than the other ones?

Is using earphones insted of headphones the solution to the “decibels”
problem when hearing music?


Bobby Harper says:

The old set always reminded me of the times Tara and I walked on the beach,
kissed in the moonlight.

darkheat246 says:

Blind subtitles please

Kirolos Saad says:

well that’s pretty scary but what if i don’t hear these phantom sounds u r
talking about after removing my earbuds even for a long period of time
maybe for 2 hours daily without rest… my dad always tells me that i’ll go
deaf when i’m on loudspeakers because i turn them loud however i don’t hear
these sounds

Alexander Goo Zong Han says:

I have annoying ringing at the most random times, like during an exam.

TheP4gan says:

That’s why I always use earplugs at concerts even if poeple think I’m

503Trex says:

Snap, Crackle, Pop, RICE CRISPIES!!!!

Firehawk2047 says:

Honestly I think the new set is too bleak – the old one had personality.
The animations and everything is a good change, but the set should be made
more warm and cosy – not like this.

Phorate says:

Didnt DNews release a video about a pill thats meant to regenerate your
hearing? thought they would have plugged that, or did they exaggerate them
too much like everything else?

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