My Tinnitus & Hearing Loss Struggle: Sensorineural Hearing Loss Vlog 1

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Tinnitus High Pitch Sounds & Hearing Loss: Sensorineural Hearing Loss Vlog. There is no cure, only acceptence & Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. I will need ENT & NHS visits, plus hearing aids for life, maybe even a cochlear implant.

Tinnitus is not a disease, but a condition that can result from a wide range of underlying causes: neurological damage (multiple sclerosis), ear infections, oxidative stress,[1] foreign objects in the ear, nasal allergies that prevent (or induce) fluid drain, wax build-up and exposure to loud sounds. Withdrawal from benzodiazepines may cause tinnitus as well. In-ear earphones, whose sound enters directly into the ear canal without any opportunity to be deflected or absorbed elsewhere, are a common cause of tinnitus when volume is set beyond moderate levels.

Tinnitus may be an accompaniment of sensorineural hearing loss or congenital hearing loss, or it may be observed as a side effect of certain medications. However, the most common cause is noise-induced hearing loss.

As tinnitus is usually a subjective phenomenon, it is difficult to measure using objective tests, such as by comparison with noise of known frequency and intensity, as in an audiometric test. The condition is often rated clinically on a simple scale from “slight” to “catastrophic” according to the practical difficulties it imposes, such as interference with sleep, quiet activities, and normal daily activities


Steve Ransom says:

Hello buddy, my heart goes out to you. a few nights ago after the noise got
so bad and where I’d had so little sleep, the next day I just collapsed in
a heap in front of the tv, I just lay there curled up in my dressing gown
howling uncontrollably, snot and saliva everywhere, the dog licking my face
and some jovial voiced guy on the telly talking about the beauty of thin
based pizza crust. It was all so surreal, yet this was my world at that mad
moment. If there was some implement at hand to cudgel my ear I could have
used it. I have had a glimpse into the madness of this condition. If this
sounds familiar and if you want to talk then pm me. Praying for you tonight
my friend.

Sano22n says:

Hang in there buddy, I know that feeling too. Hoep you get better soon.

W/-S££M A says:

My God…
i really feel for you bud 🙁 that’s absolutely beyond horrible..

petsmart1000 says:

i totally get what you’re talking about, though i’ve had tinnitus since i
was a kid, no one knew, nor i that i really had a problem, i just got used
to looking at peoples’ lips, and also dealt with poor grades in school
because i didn’t realize it wasn’t normal, but as i got older it became
worse and worse, and eventually ended up getting hearing aids when i was in
my early 20’s, which let me tell you, didn’t make it go away, but more like
masked it, but when i’m not wearing them, that high pitch ringing, is
never-ending and quite unnerving, i too leave the tv on to mask it, but
eventually my BF got tired of it and i no longer had it on, the ringing
kept me up, even with the high dose of sleeping pills, it’s just
exaggerated at night time, so yeah i don’t get a good night’s sleep.
i am also having a hard time dealing with the fact that i am losing my
hearing, i have sensorineural hearing loss as well, i can hear high pitch
sounds, but not low pitch, like barely, my left ear is a lot worse than my
right, but they’re both getting worse. though it was hard to imagine not
hearing my cats purring, because w/out my hearing aids, i can’t hear them
at all, i cried so hard. but it’s not the end of the world, i know it’s
been quite some time, but if you haven’t gotten hearing aids, you should
look into it, i’m not saying it’ll work for everyone, but mine have made a
huge difference in my life, and slowly learning to lip read, and maybe
learn some sign language, maybe find an organization that is for people who
are HOH/deaf, can also help, knowing you aren’t alone. good luck, and i
hope all is well with you. :)

Minnie J. Novotny says:

If you are sick and tired of buzzing in the ears but afraid of surgical
procedure, this all-natural remedy will help

Navajo Medicine Man Hearing Remedy says:

Thanks for sharing your experience, it is possible to reverse hearing loss

priyanka shakya says:

I’m not sure but ,if anyone else is searching for best known treatment for
tinnitus try *Greega Ear Cure Guru* (search on google ) ? Ive heard some
awesome things about it and my partner got excellent success with it. 

shtiken says:

Everything started for no reason whatsoever?

I have the same problem, and a few more. life is horrible.

shtiken says:

did you ever do any more vlogs?

Fiona Kat says:

I am certain that my hearing loss was caused by 2 mercury (amalgam)
fillings that I received two weeks before I went deaf. Look at sites for
mercury/hearing loss. I would love to know if others suffering have ‘silver
fillings’. I have had those two removed and will have the rest replaced
next week. My teeth were vibrating with the tinnitus noise. On a positive
note, I have just discovered Melatonin and have at last slept for a few
hours since buying it two days ago. 

David Whitehead says:

I’m not a doctor nor should my advise be taken as any sort of cure or
diagnosis, but on the radio the other day a health specialist said that
Fenugreek Seed Tea helps with tinnitus.

Fiona Kat says:

Hi Lovely. You are not alone. I woke up with absolutely no hearing in my
right ear 11 weeks ago. The tinnitus is like a loud, high pitched siren
that is with me 24 hrs a day. I have barely slept a wink since that day. I
feel for you and everyone else who is suffering

Julian Martinez says:

I’m sorry 

foyes ahmed says:

hey wasssup! Have you considered – Durston Magic Tinnitus Eradicator
(search on google)? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my cousin at
very last eradicated the tinnitus breakout with it.

The Hearing Loss Pill says:

Tinnitus is one of those problems that is really scary. There is no cure
and doctors don’t even know what to do. Wishing you the best.

Lawana Beasley says:

I see many people keep on talking about Tinzonelax Miracle. But I’m
uncertain if it’s good. Have you ever tried using this popular tinnitus
home remedy?

Nathaniel Teposo says:


infamouslyfamous82 says:

i too suffer from sensory neural hearing loss. i slept on jan 5 2010 and
woke up on jan 6 2010 deaf in my right ear with a very loud whistle
noise..i can hear maybe 15-20 percent mostly blobby noise is my right ear
when spoken to…i pray everyday that i keep my left ear. i pray by putting
this out in the universe that i Never lose my left ear and to find a cure
for this tragedy that effects people for life

sandra sommers says:

I so know how you feel i was born with Tinnitus and Sesorineural bilateral
hearing loss. I am now up to 80% loss in my right ear and 60% loss in my
left ear. I have learned over the years to just deal with it. I just happen
to stumble upon your video. I do hope one day you will be able to over come
it and go through life as best as you can. for me it was the hardest in
school. I had to learn quickly how to just adjust to it. I still to this
day some times get frustrated with it, but just keep on going on. People
have no idea when i don’t hear them when they talk to me or i don’t
understand what they are saying im not doing it on purpose. i hate how they
get frustrated at me for it. I had lost many jobs because of it. I wish you
the best of luck. if u ever want to just want to talk or vent cause ur
frustrated im am here i know how it is to need someone to talk to.

lovebabyangel1 says:

Alright there! Have you thought about – Pikay Amazing Tinnitus Treatment
(do a search on google)? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my
sister got amazing benefits with it. 

hasan biham says:

Hey there! Have you considered – Pikay Amazing Tinnitus Treatment (do a
search on google)? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my mate
got cool results with it.

Hasibul Islam says:

Hey! Have you heard the talk about – Durston Magic Tinnitus Eradicator
(search on google)? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my friend
finally said ta ta to the frustrating tinnitus stress with it.

Odessa Gubala says:

Guys. cure your tinnitus naturally doesn’t need to be hard (I used to think
it did). I will give you some tips now. Look for a popular tinnitus
treatment called Tinzonelax Miracle (just search it on bing). Thanks to it
I’ve eliminated my pain & embarrassment for good by using healthy ways. I
shouldn’t even be talking about it cause I do not want lots of other guys
out there running the same game but whatever. I am just simply in a great
mood today so I will share the wealth lol.


I just simply woke up to a very loud hissing sound mixed with a high pitch
ringing noise. Scared me because it was in my head, not the ears. It’s
never gone. But I’ve learned to accept the noise to an extent. (What else
can i do lol)

Krzysiufpp says:

I don’t know if it will work for you but I’ll share with it. In the past
months I found out about meditation techniques-these are to force your
brain into no mind state-and then there is nothing, you relax as if in the
deep sleep but you’re aware. One of the techniques is to watch the point
where intake changes into outtake, one is to do it for a while, if your
thoughts are silienced, forget the technique and stay there. I rarely
succeed, but It happened to me few times, and I can’t forget it.

gondule says:

Holy shit man, this is just crazy as all hell. I really can’t imagine this
entire ordeal you’ve had to endure. Good luck bro.

Gregory Schaub says:

do you take aspirin on a regular basis? over use causes tinnitus…you can
stay with me until you recover…

isaias mendez says:

Take care life is sucks some time just fight on

dnsmithnc says:

Neuromonics and Notched Music therapy have clinical evidence of their
effectiveness. How they work has something to do with the source of
tinnitus, your brain. The brain will create a replacement sound for hearing
loss for some people. The techniques mentioned above create new neural
pathways around the site where the tinnitus sound is created from what I
understand. I hope Neuromonics works. I have gone for a analysis and am
getting the device used in a couple of weeks. Don’t give up hope

lizichell2 says:

I am suprised you weren’t given steriods for the sudden hearing loss. This
needs to be given as soon as the loss occurrs. What do you think triggered
this sudden loss over just a few days?

Krzysiufpp says:

Hey Jay, how are you doing in the new circumstances ? I really want you to
come back into making videos. Salutation mate.

Angela Maxwell says:

I have hearing loss and tinnitus as well. I had an ear infection 3 years
ago that was antibiotic resistant and had paralysis of my face from the
infection in my inner ear crushing the facial nerve. I was on IV
antibiotics for 2 weeks and unable to work for a month. I understand what
you have been thru. I still sleep with the tv on to block out the sound.
Life is what it is.

nirmalkoshy007 says:

-an engineer,i thought of the “ENGINEER” who designed our body. I started
leraning: “As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples
asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born
blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this
happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life(John
Chapter 9 verses 1-3) Dear Bro -I am waiting for Jesus miracle to happen in
my ears, and i feel that he has started operating, becoz

TheXtraGuy says:

Jason i was literally almost in tears watching this. If anything i have
read that the symptoms usually are not as bad over time and sometimes it
even goes away. I’m not really sure what to say other than the fact that i
was touched by your video. All i can say is please never give up man even
when life has got you by the balls never give in, always get up and give
the world a big middle finger and say to yourself i can fucking get through
this because i am strong. Never give up my friend.

Dale Riches says:

Hearing this made me realize how lucky I really am. A reality check should
I say. Keep fighting and never give in!

SDMF20 says:

Hang in there mate, i’ve had tinnitus for almost five years now and it
gives me grief on a daily basis, but i fight every day because i have
things to live for, stay strong my tinnitus brothers and sisters, maybe one
day this infernal noise will stop and we can all finally rest again.

Rishikesh Ojha says:

TheBlayzinAsian420 says:

U know you gotta good work out in when you have a difficult time wiping
your own ass lol

Ron Evans says:

This video says it all . . . I’ve had it now for two years and many visits
too specialists – no cure – try to live with it they say. I’m trying to put
up with it the best I can, there are good days and bad. Starting to feel
the affect on my social life especially on a bad day. I keep telling
myself, it could be worse – deal with it ! To this day I can’t believe how
many people are affect with Tinnitus. Hopefully down the road there is a
cure. Good-Luck to me and all you out there with Tinnitus.

helixnebulaone says: sucks

Metafron says:

I feel for ya man. As someone who both have a very great fondness for FF
and other musical masterpieces of RPGs. I don’t know you personally on any
level, but i feel like i should tell you that if you ever wanna talk or
some shit, man. Just drop me a message.

Wild Leghorn says:

yea umm the lord works in mysterious & sometimes strange ways but obviously
you’re not gonna pay any heed to my comment so why even bother

Somye Dwerkle says:

you never mentioned god not once in this video..

TheArchangelNexus says:

I’m sorry man. I don’t know what to say. Nothing would be worthy honestly.
Just keep living as best you can man.

MR MOORE² says:

I never visited the forums & watched videos daily about tinnitus for cures.
It was just to not feel alone & isolated in the beginning. I made this
video at my lowest point because I needed to express myself, although I
agree with you that people shouldn’t watch videos like this for insight or
inspiration. That’s why I named it “My Tinnitus & Hearing Loss Struggle” I
wanted to document how hard sudden hearing loss effects tinnitus levels.
Learning to get back to normal is the BEST thing though.

DEAD MAU5 says:

Tinnitus isn’t soo bad. I got it through loud music but more loud music
helps to drown the tinnitus out. A win win situation lol

Mission Ave. Productions Multielevatorman says:

I Wish You Best.

1998AstonVilla says:

Hey dude, sorry for your tinnitus. I have it in my left ear as I am typing
this response. The only way I can deal with it is to ignore it.

MR MOORE² says:

That means a lot. Thank you.

nat1967 says:

It is hard to watch now that I know that you’re suffering from something
that is affecting your life. I can only hope that you’re doing all you can
to get your life back together and enjoying it as much as possible again.
Stay strong Jason. 🙂

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